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Sarah Emmons - Preparing for the Best Outcome

Sarah is our first Athlete of the Month in 2023! She recently increased her frequency at StrongerLife in order to get as strong as possible before her upcoming hip replacement!

What’s one thing you are now able to do that you didn’t think was possible before StrongerLife?

I had mostly done cardio exercises. I had never worked out with barbell weights, and my heaviest dumbbell was 10 lbs. I had never done a burpee.

What would you tell others that are considering joining StrongerLife?

Try it, you’ll love it. You will get lots of support from the coaches and from your classmates. You will get stronger in your mind and body. You’ll work hard in class and you’ll see results.

You’ll make friends, you’ll sweat, and you’ll laugh.

One reason I joined Stronger Life was to get in shape to hike the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, a strenuous 30-mile, four-day hike with over 70,000 rugged and steep steps to climb.

The toughest day was a 10-mile hike to an elevation of 13,928 feet. Another strenuous hike was a day hike in the Andes mountains to Humantay Lake.

It was a challenge to climb from 12,795 to 13,780 feet in just two miles. I have severe arthritis in my right hip joint and working out at Stronger Life made it possible for me to do these hikes.

I’m having a hip replacement in mid-January and now I’m working extra hard at Stronger Life to be as fit as possible before my surgery.

What challenges were you facing when you started working with us? How did that make you feel? Due to some medical issues, I stopped running, and biking and hiking were difficult. I gained a lot of weight and didn’t feel good about myself. When I learned about Stronger Life I thought I’d give it a try. I wanted to get back in shape. I’ve loved Stronger Life from Day One. The coaches are top notch and my fellow classmates are awesome.

StrongerLife hosts the best senior group fitness classes in Lexington, KY. We focus on improving people’s Physical, Mental, & Social health. Science-based programs led by professional coaches.