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StrongerLife Show 5: How Often Should I Workout?

StrongerLife Show 5: How Often Should I Workout?

This is a common question we will receive from people interested in or new to StrongerLife. I think we should start by saying that increasing physical activity in any way shape or form is a BIG WIN!


In terms of specifics, the minimum requirements for exercise are spelled out well by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM):

  • Aerobic Exercise:

    • If at a moderate intensity = 150-300 min/week

    • If at a vigorous intensity = 75-150 min/week

  • Strength Training:

    • 2 days/week at least a moderate intensity


So at StrongerLife, we work hard to help people meet these recommendations as quickly as possible. The important thing to note about the ACSM Recommended Guidelines is that they’re a minimum.


With fitness, more is often better. However, we need to work up to being able to handle more exercise. This is why many people at StrongerLife may start coming 2-3 times/week then after a month or so, start coming 4-5 times/week.


How can one safely and effectively workout more during the week so they can get more results?


First, consistency is a priority. Members that come regularly & space their days out throughout the week tare typically able to increase their number of workouts per week over time. Their bodies adapt, become stronger, and are more resilient. So putting a priority on consistency is very valuable.


Second, putting a high priority on SLEEP and NUTRITION can help people recover and improve their overall health. We all know sleep and nutrition play a big role in health but many don’t realize how much.  These two major lifestyle factors play a significant role in our health, well-being, and ability to handle stress. If these two areas are dialed in, our bodies can handle a tremendous amount of stress and work (or in this case, workouts).


Fore more resources on sleep, check out this TEDtalk: Sleep is your Superpower.

Fore more resources on nutrition, check out StrongerLife Show #4: What should I eat before & after a workout?


Got Questions? We’ve got answers! If you have ANY questions about how many days you should workout, sleep, or nutrition, fill out the form below and we’d love to chat!

See this form in the original post