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Welcome to StrongerLife

StrongerLife was grown out of necessity & frustration. As physical therapists, time & time again, our patients would come to us with issues that could often be improved, even prevented, with strength & conditioning.

However, services or communities that tailored to people 60 & up were hard to come by. This was heartbreaking to realize because those 55 & up often stand to gain the most from being a part of a community where regular, high intensity exercise is practiced.

“Those 55 & up often stand to gain the most from being a part of a community where regular, high intensity exercise is practiced.”

Thus the beginning of StrongerLife. We provide an inviting environment & community where people 55 & up can become Strong & Resilient to handle whatever life throws at them.

We’re excited to build this community & provide an encouraging & inviting community for folks 55 & up around Lexington.

-Dustin Jones, PT, DPT, GCS, CF-L1