Greg - Strong Voice, Stronger Body

The December StrongerLife Athlete of the Month is Greg Horn! We are huge fans of Greg. Greg is a successful podcast host and motivational speaker. He is always prepared to give it his all and has made tremendous progress since starting StrongerLife Fitness in Lexington, KY!

What’s one thing you are now able to do that you didn’t think was possible before StrongerLife?

Carry the Radio Equipment all the way from my car to the press box on Friday nights for Football Games without taking a Break. (The Farmers Carry with Dumbbells in Class prepared me)

What would you tell others that are considering joining StrongerLife?

Try it you will like it, lose weight, sleep better, and have more energy!

What challenges were you facing when you started working with us? How did that make you feel?

I was overweight and didn’t have any energy!

Why did you choose StrongerLife as opposed to a competitor?

I liked how it was specifically focused on fitness over the age of 55.

What were you looking for before you joined StrongerLife?

The one-on-one coaching in the Workouts even though we are in a group.

What's your favorite music or band to listen to while you work out?

80’s Music.


StrongerLife Show 8: What can I do about painful hands and wrists?


December’s Movement Challenge!