Exercising with Back Pain - Palloff Press

We’re wrapping up our Exercising with Back Pain Series today with the Palloff Press. This is a very similar exercise to the Banded Pull Down and should be pretty tolerable for most folks that may be having a minor flare up.

Here are a couple variations to try out. This is on deceptive exercise. It can be much more challenging than what you think.

1. Standard Palloff Press

Grab a band with both hands close to your chose then step away from where it’s fixated. Once there, don’t let your body move except your arms pushing the band away from your body. Try and keep the band from pulling you towards where it’s fixated.

2. Weighted Palloff Press

To make this a little more challenging, run your band through a weight (whether a plate or kettlebell) and do the same activity. The weight creates some instability that requires you to work a little hard to stay steady.

Give these a try and let us know how they feel! These can be useful to keep moving even in the presence of a little back pain.

-Jeff Musgrave, PT, DPT, Cert MDT


Don’t Let Back Pain Get You Down


Exercising with Back Pain - Banded Pull Downs