Health and Fitness Tips for Adults 55+
How to Manage Arthritis: Bike
We’re continuing our Arthritis series talking about the Bike! The bike is another great nonimpact option that can really get folks in shape.
How to Manage Arthritis: Rowing
We’re continuing our Arthritis series talking about Rowing! For many folks with Arthritis, doing something nonimpact can feel much better and allow them to continue moving & staying health.
How to Manage Arthritis: Squats
Arthritis is a very common issue with many folks that can really impact people’s quality of lives. Let’s talk about what we can do about it.
Don’t Let Back Pain Get You Down
Here at StrongerLife, we do everything we can do to get people STRONG & FIT. But as is normal with life as a human being, we may have bouts of a little back pain. What should we do in that situation?
Exercising with Back Pain - Palloff Press
We’re wrapping up our Exercising with Back Pain Series today with the Palloff Press. This is a very similar exercise to the Banded Pull Down and should be pretty tolerable for most folks that may be having a minor flare up.
Exercising with Back Pain - Banded Pull Downs
Banded Pull Downs are a great exercise to get the muscles throughout the trunk & back to fire without much movement. Al the motion comes from the shoulders which allows most folks to be able to do this exercise with minimal issues!
Here’s are a couple variations to keep you moving even in the presence of a minor flare up.
Exercising with Back Pain - The Hip Hinge
The Hip Hinge is a great exercise that teaches you how to move and lift things using your strong muscles on the back of your legs instead of your back. Here are a couple variations to keep you moving even in the presence of a minor flare up.