How to Manage Arthritis: Squats

Arthritis is a very common issue with many folks that can really impact people’s quality of lives. When pain sets in, it’s easy to stop moving which then has several negative consequences. We need to find ways to keep moving and get strong which can actually REDUCE OUR SYMPTOMS associated with arthritis.

We’re going to cover several ways we can build strength while minimizing any pain or flare ups. This can lead to improved symptoms associated with arthritis.

Today, we’ll talk about Squat Options. Here are some variations to try out.

1. Arm Assisted Squat to Box

Whether it’s a bar or kitchen countertop, let your arms help your legs with squatting. Have a chair behind you and let your arms help you stand up & sit down. You can progress this by lowering the seat or relying less and less on your arms. The key here is to work within a range of motion that has minimal symptoms.

2. Weighted Box Squat

Once you’re not relying on your arms, add some weight! Whether a dumbbell, kettlebell, or heavy house objects, hold it in front of your chest & stand up & sit down. This is great to strengthen your legs which can reduce your symptoms associated with arthritis. To make this more challenging, add more weight or reduce the height of the chair. Once again, work within a range that has minimal symptoms.

Give these a try and let us know how they feel!

-Dustin Jones, PT, DPT, GCS, CF-L1


How to Manage Arthritis: Rowing


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