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Exercising with Back Pain - Loaded Carry

Loaded Carries are a great total body exercise that can be modified in many ways so you don't have to stop exercising, even in the presence of a flare up in back pain! Here are some things we can do to modify a Loaded Carry using Kettlebells.

  1. Deadlifting the KB in between your feet

    • Most suitcase carries will start with the KB on the outside of your feet. Try Deadlifting the KB in between your feet which will be more comfortable for many.

  2. Sumo Stance

    • Widening your stance can help you keep your torso more upright which may be less irritating.

  3. Elevate the Kettlebells

    • If none of the mods to get the KB off the ground work for you, try elevating them on plates, box, or stool.

  4. Farmers vs. Suitcase Carry

    • Suitcase Carries (weight on one side) require you to fight that weight from pulling you to one side. If that's bothersome, try a Farmer Carry (weights on both sides).

Give these a try & see if you can keep moving even in the presence of a minor set back!

-Dustin Jones, PT, DPT, GCS, CF-L1