Burpees for Physical & Brain Health

Burpees for Physical and Brain Health Performing the variations seen in our video helps not only the body and the mind.

1. Single Arm Burpees: Increase Motor Function, Core Strength and Cognition.

2. Burpees with a 360 Spin (clockwise & counterclockwise): Increase Power, Vestibular Function, and Cognition

3. Burpee & Name Off a Green Food Out Loud: Improves the Respiratory System and Cognition

Each variation is designed to target different aspects of physical fitness while simultaneously challenging the brain. By incorporating these exercises into your routine, you'll notice improvements in coordination, balance, and mental clarity. At StrongerLife, we believe in a holistic approach to health, ensuring our members achieve optimal benefits from their workouts.


#16: Brain Health with UK Neuroscience Researcher: François Pomerleau


Podcast #15: Sarcopenia