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#17: Why Two Physical Therapists Started a Gym for 55+: StrongerLife Origin

Welcome back to another exciting episode of the "Fitness for 55+" podcast, brought to you by StrongerLife, the gym designed specifically for adults over 55. In episode #17, "Why Two Physical Therapists Started a Gym for 55+: StrongerLife Origin," Dr. Dustin Jones and Dr. Jeff Musgrave share the inspirational story behind StrongerLife.

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We often receive questions from our members, prospective clients, and followers about how StrongerLife started and why two physical therapists decided to venture into the fitness industry. The story is rooted in our experiences and frustrations as physical therapists.

Both of us, Dr. Dustin Jones and Dr. Jeff Musgrave, felt discontentment in our traditional roles. While helping patients recover from injuries and improve their health, we saw a significant gap in ongoing wellness and fitness support. Insurance often cuts off physical therapy services once patients reach baseline functionality, leaving many without the necessary guidance to continue improving their health.

The Goal of Creating StrongerLife

Our primary goal with StrongerLife is to bridge this gap. We noticed that most of the conditions we treated were preventable with a consistent fitness regimen, especially focusing on strength, balance, and overall health. Many older adults cannot simply walk into a standard gym and get the specialized support they need, especially those with complex medical conditions like joint replacements, heart failure, or COPD.

We wanted to create a place where older adults could not only maintain but improve their fitness in a safe, supportive environment. StrongerLife is not just about lifting weights or improving cardio; it’s about enhancing balance, reaction abilities, cognitive functions, and overall coordination—elements crucial for aging well.

The StrongerLife Approach

We’ve built StrongerLife with a unique approach, offering a program that doesn't just get you fit but prepares you for the challenges of aging. Our classes are designed to accommodate and modify exercises for each individual's needs, ensuring everyone can participate and benefit.

The StrongerLife Focus

At StrongerLife, we don’t offer physical therapy services because there are already excellent providers for that. Instead, we focus on what comes next—helping people stay strong, healthy, and active long after their physical therapy sessions end.

We’re incredibly proud of the community and the life-changing results we’ve seen. From individuals recovering from multiple surgeries to those managing chronic conditions, StrongerLife is making a significant impact. We invite you to listen to the full episode to learn more about our journey and how we’re redefining fitness for older adults.

Want to learn more about StrongerLife? Schedule a Call to see how you can try a Free Class

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